Yearly Field Journal Subscription
Yearly Field Journal Subscription
Yearly Field Journal Subscription
Yearly Field Journal Subscription
Yearly Field Journal Subscription
Yearly Field Journal Subscription
Yearly Field Journal Subscription
Yearly Field Journal Subscription

Yearly Field Journal Subscription

Regular price $96.00 Sale price$76.00

Enjoy a monthly subscription to The Field Journals! On the 15th of each month, we'll send out a brand new exploration of nature, art, and science with a little bit of whimsy. Each month will include a letter from Rowan the field journalist, a field journal entry, descriptions of the nature subject in its own ecosystem and its relationship with humans, a set of drawing instructions, and journal stickers.

Planning to receive The Field Journals indefinitely? Purchasing this option will give you the best discount we offer. You'll pay for one full year of journals and can cancel your subscription anytime ahead of your next billing date. You can also pause your subscription if you want to coordinate receiving your letters with school dates.

We stop taking new orders on the 12th of each month to give us time to send each journal packet. If you purchase the journal entries after this, we will begin your subscription the following month.



We just received our first Field Journal subscription and love it! Betsy and Tim have really outdone themselves with this new product! Not only is every page beautifully illustrated, with lots of love to detail, but it also provides a wide range of factual information and fun facts about the Sequoia tree. We can’t wait for our next letter to arrive!


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